Tuesday, 20 September 2011


Since blogs were created, I always wondered what makes someone write a blog? Is it because you have a cool product/service and want to sell it via social media, or you want to connect to the world, or you live far away from friends and family and its an easy way to communicate, or you find the restrictions of the 140 (?) characters of Twitter to confining for your verse, or and  the list goes on... I suppose there are probably as many reasons as there are blogs. So when my lovely dear friend and flat mate announced that she was going to create a blog for her uni assignment I couldn't help but be swept up in the curiosity and excitement.  Oh, in the spirit of connectedness her blog is Brian and Betty Go check it out, its a fun and humorous look at the adventures of a gnome called Brian and a babushka doll called Betty, two cultural commentators for the Canberra Region.

Oliver and Madge has been a name I have used for a couple of years now. For a while now I have been on and off again selling my little wares at local markets. They are such a blast! The trick is, as many market store holders can attest to, is avoiding spending more than you earn. Yeah well, lets just say I'm working on that one, and that my day job employer doesn't need to start a recruitment drive anytime soon. I've had a table at a small market in Queanbeyan, a couple of childcare fetes, and Gorman House Markets. With the warmer weather and Christmas fast approaching I'm sure I will become inspired to take these wares to the local markets. I'll keep you posted on where I may pop up next. Check out the tea cosies on 'Anyone for a cup of tea?' page.

Oh and I cant help myself, here is a picture of the fatty boom bah Oliver checking out the new square hat box that stores the Oliver and Madge wares.

1 comment:

  1. Don't know what to write but like your blog. The blog site for the NSW public libraries learning 2 might answer some of the questions you have posed in your blog - sorry I thought it might link but as you can see it doesn't. Your flat mate might also learn from this site. The first part of the learning program is quite old I think it was done in 2008 but they have updated this info - with a 'Continue learning 2.1 The link is after week 12. I found this blog really informative as I hope you do.


    love Ottis
