Another year has passed and boy am I glad that it can be put behind me. The first six months were exciting, filled with madly making items for the rural shows, and subsequently winning prizes. Yay for me! However, the last six months have been quite a journey, full of experiences for making me stronger. Yep well this year it is the goal to make things different. I am going to focus on cherishing things more and developing Oliver and Madge.
This is not to say that there has been no creations over the past year, just that they have been poorly documented up until now. So here is a few photo's to inspire others (also known as a brag page hee hee)
***Please respect my intellectual property by not copying these designs for profit. If you have any requests please send me an email***
Second Prize in Small Hand Knitted Item |
Rock Pool Crocheted Bib Necklace
Magic Mushroom plays with the big guys at Royal Sydney Easter and gets Highly Commended |
Cardigan for Mum's Birthday (I've since been told it's too warm for Sydney) |
Rock Pool at Low Tide (Commission piece for a surfer family)
Warm Pair of Woolly Socks for the Man (thanks to Cat Bordi for teaching me to make socks) |
Matilda (Commission piece for a keen lover of the Australian Bush) |
You can see how the photo's of pieces have slipped as the year progresses; home phones, issues with lighting, and resolution. I especially like the next one in which the white and cream backdrop of the white skirting board and carpet do nothing to show off the colours. we all learn from out mistakes. Not the best option for presentation, but I can't really expect much when I'm rushing to a deadline and my time management is poor. Both cosies have gone to good homes, so no other photos can be sourced.
When Autumn Leaves Start to Fall |
Up Where the Sky is Clear ( an exploration into dry felting) |
Looking back it has been quite a busy year for creating and making.